Kitchen, Cabinet & Furniture Makers

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Kitchen blog for Herringbone kitchens, Kitchen showroom base in Canterbury, Kent

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Kitchen Trends in 2017

We know, we know, it's the end of February and we are only just getting around to talking about trends for 2017. But so far 2017 has swept us off our feet, many of you are doing kitchen extensions and your own kitchen renovation projects so we have been busier than ever before and are so very thankful for all of our clients and the very interesting and fun projects we have planned so far this year.


So what trends have we been noticing for 2017? You'll see some repeats from last year but mostly 2017 is the year of buying local, not following the crowd and turning your kitchen into the new family 'living' room- making it the social hub of the home.   


1. Bolder Styles

We are finally noticing kitchens coming out of the clinical style. We haven't made a gloss white kitchen in a long time. Our newest range Westgate, designed and named after Westgate Towers in Canterbury near our studio is a very bold design. The structure of the kitchen is bold and strong, while we've detailed it with greys and marble in our showroom to highlight its versatility. This is definitely our favourite range (are we allowed to have favourites?). With attention to detail in that you can choose every element of your kitchen from the hinge colour to the type of wood in the interior (we love the walnut on display) this kitchen range has pushed us as a company to continue to think outside the box. 

Kitchen Studio

2. Granite  

We love marble just as much as the next design junkee but are glad to see unique granites making a come back. Granite is a more durable stone, making it more practical in the kitchen. Where wine and curry can be marbles Achilles heal, granite just wipes it away. But don't get us wrong, marble will always hold a place in our hearts for its beautiful and subtle features and if you are one of those homes who can look after it well, we greatly admire you



3. Buying Local  

For this trend we are eternally grateful. We've noticed a real push back from the big national companies. Our clients tell us they want a more bespoke approach, building relationships with local businesses and keeping traditional trades alive and thriving. We couldn't agree more- when you buy your kitchen from us it supports local families, businessss and craftsmen. We are appreciative of this and work hard to give back to the community through charity. 

Herringbone Kitchens


4. The Extension

This isn't as much a trend in 2017, as it is a way families are improving older homes for modern family living. Gone are the days when one person (normally a mother) cooked meals on their own in a kitchen- families and couples now a days use their kitchen as the social hub of the home. About half of our clients are doing kitchen extensions (he have a longer post about kitchen extensions here). We tell people it is best to get in touch with us as soon as possible and if not before, than definitely right after planning is granted and before the building work begins. That way we can work with you before the build to make sure that you are getting what you want out of the kitchen extension. It is very sad when couples come to us after the building work has started, only to find out they won't be able to do certain things they wanted like put a sink in an island, or they have overspent in other areas only to realise their dream kitchen is now not affordable.

If you are thinking of updating your home the most important people will be the planning office, builders and your kitchen company. We think kitchen company is most important, because the whole purpose of the build is the kitchen (but we would say that!) 


Kitchen extension sandwich


5. Making it Work for You

 Recently we've had clients who want things like making the entire kitchen one big island, to brass worktops and pegboard cabinets. We love it all! A kitchen needs to be a place you enjoy spending your time in and works practically for you. If that means you want an island the length of a double decker bus, then let's do it! The best trend of 2017 is that people are starting to not follow trends, but follow what they like- and that is something we can all really get behind! 

Canterbury Kitchen