Kitchen, Cabinet & Furniture Makers

The Margate Project


The Margate Project

“We loved the classic beautifully built carpentry of the cupboards because it was perfect for our older style home. We were hooked!“

The Design

After 47 years of marriage and 4 homes together this was the first new kitchen that our client had ever had. They wanted it to be something special after the wait and decided to go bespoke in order to get exactly what they wanted. When we designed this space for a lovely client near Margate in Kent the main goal was to design the kitchen around an old inherited pine console.

“The design meetings with Herringbone were all about what we wanted and needed, but they added their own clever designs, details and suggestions. We always came away excited and pleased with the results. We had one piece of furniture that we inherited with the house, an old pine console, which needed to be included in the design. In fact, it was non-negotiable, and part of the kitchen had to be designed around it.”

The Details: Colours, Hardware, Worktops Etc

The cabinets are our Westminster Style, with traditional cornice and frames. The space was designed around the pine console to enable the client to use it as extra storage and worktop space.

Old and new have merged beautifully and the colour was specifically chosen to bring the greenery of the garden inside, something the client was very clear on from the beginning. The cabinets are painted in a lovely olive green and Cliff White from the Herringbone Paints range.

“The design is simple and classic and suits our older style house perfectly. We have had numerous compliments from those who have seen it saying how different it looks compared to many other kitchens, as well as how beautifully crafted it is. The main thing is that it suits us perfectly but that is what Herringbone is all about, so thank you Herringbone for our dream kitchen!“

The light low-silica Silestone Calacatta worktop gives the design a smooth sense of connectivity and elegance throughout the space.

We love the tucked away pantry with large spice racks fitted on both internal doors, which leaves the walk-in pantry with a lot of storage and usable space.

“We love how it has turned out and can’t believe how well it suits us. It was designed with our needs in mind so of course it works; even the cutlery draw insert was designed specifically for us! Other highlights include the large spice racks behind the pantry doors, the pull out shelves for the toaster and mixer and the way the pine console has been incorporated into the kitchen to become a focal point “

Our Workshop

Each piece of your bespoke project, is carefully made and assembled in our Canterbury workshop. Our expert craftsmen take great pride in what they create and love to see your projects come to life.